Children with conduct disorder (CD) are often judged as ‘bad kids’ because of their delinquent behaviour and refusal to accept rules. Around five percent of 10-year olds are thought to have CD, with boys outnumbering girls by four to one. Around one-third of children with CD also have ADHD.
Some of the typical behaviours of a child with CD may include:
Frequent refusal to obey parents or other authority figures. Repeated truancy. Tendency to use drugs, including cigarettes and alcohol, at a very early age. Lack of empathy for others. Being aggressive to animals and other people or showing sadistic behaviours including bullying and physical or sexual abuse. Keenness to Start Physical Fights. Frequent Lying Criminal Behaviour Such as Stealing, Deliberately Lighting Fires, Breaking Into Houses. A Tendency to Run Away From Home Suicidal Tendencies-although These Are Rarer.